The Korea Professional Football Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Federation”) held the first K League Academy HR and Accounting Course in 2024 from the 23rd to the 24th of February at the Oen City Hotel in Cheonan. The course, which was held to improve the competency of K League personnel in charge of human resources and accounting, was attended by about 60 practitioners from all K League clubs.
The HR course, held on the first day, was taught by Jeong Ho-young of Yedam, a labor law firm, Kim Mi-jin, a partner at HR platform company ‘flex,’ and Kang Koo-yeol, a team leader at At Home. The first lecture was on ‘2024 Employment and Labor Policy,’ in which Jeong explained ▲ analysis of the latest HR and 홀덤사이트 labor precedents and ▲ wage management practices.

In the second lecture, Flex Partner Mijin Kim and Partner Grim Han explained HR trends and introduced the K League Standard Performance Management System. The last lecture was given by At Home’s Team Leader Kang Koo-yeol, who has 14 years of experience in HR, who introduced the direction of HR according to company characteristics, concluding the first day’s HR course.
The ‘K League Standard Performance Management System’ is a project to improve organizational execution by connecting clubs and individual goals, and will be worked on by K League club managers for the next eight months. Following the K League Standard Job Description, which was developed in collaboration with Flex last year, the Federation plans to create the K League Standard Performance Management System to support the improvement of club employees’ work skills and provide a basis for compensation management, laying the foundation for the HR system.
In the accounting course held the next day, accountants Yang Yoo-seok of Samil Accounting Firm and Lee Jae-yong of Findus were the lecturers. In the first lecture, Yang Yoo-seok presented “Digging into the Income and Expenses of Overseas Football Clubs,” introducing the salary cap of overseas leagues and other professional sports, as well as the revenue and expenses of each league, so that the participants could compare and analyze the current financial situation of K League clubs.
In the second lecture, accountant Lee Jae-yong explained the efficient income structure and the virtuous cycle of financial statements in his lecture, ‘Businesses are seen in numbers (financial statements)’. After all the lectures, the federation’s club licensing team shared the results of the 2024 club budget review and player registration process, as well as this year’s business plan, and held a Q&A session with club accountants.
The K League has been running the ‘K League Academy’ project since 2013, which provides customized training programs for K League members, including this HR and accounting course. The Federation plans to continue to enhance the capabilities of K League club managers through lectures and case sharing on club administration practices.