41세라는 나이가 믿기지 않는다. 졸지에 팀 최고령이 됐지만 솔선수범하는 자세로 캠프를 준비했고 가장 빼어난 투구를 펼치며 감탄을 자아내고 있다. ‘최고령 홀드왕’ 노경은(41)의 이야기다. SSG 랜더스 […]
SSG Seo Jin-yong, The ‘King of Salvation’ Training at Future Team
SSG Seo Jin-yong, The ‘King of Salvation’ Training at Future Team, Gifts Coffee to the Players Seo Jin-yong (31, SSG Landers), the 2023 Korean professional […]
Professional Baseball SSG Left-Handed Pitcher Kim Tae-hoon
Professional Baseball SSG Left-Handed Pitcher Kim Tae-hoon Retires, “I Won’t Forget the Love I Received” Professional baseball SSG Landers left-handed pitcher Kim Tae-hoon (33) leaves […]
SSG Landers took the first game of the second half
Their opponent was the No. 1 LG Twins, who were 2-6 in the first half. SSG won the ninth game of the 2023 Shinhan Bank SOL KBO League against LG 6-4 at Jamsil..