“School of Rock” has emerged as an unexpected treasure from Andrew Lloyd Webber, the iconic composer celebrated globally for his classical work “The Phantom of the Opera.” The “angel of music” skillfully demonstrates his prowess in the genre of rock in this vibrant production.Based on the 2003 film of the same name, “School of Rock” follows a transformative journey of failed, wannabe rock star Dewey casinositezone Finn and students of the prestigious Horace Green Preparatory School as they come together under the power of rock music.The musical returned to Korea five years after its premiere in 2019. Actor Conner Gillooly reprises his energetic portrayal of Dewey, while the young band members, portrayed by a new generation of actors, bring fresh energy to the stage. It was an absolutely unbelievable experience back in 2019,” he said during a press conference at the Seoul Arts Center, Jan. 10.
“I truly did not know what to expect. I had only heard slight things from other performers who had worked in Korea. And they said that you just have to see it for yourself. And it was an absolute explosion of enthusiasm and enjoyment and just I’ve never felt so connected with an audience.”He recalled the extraordinary warmth and engagement of Korean audiences.“Just the care that I felt from the audience throughout the show was very special. And then at the finale, the final climax of the show, every single show felt like opening night and every single curtain call was just an absolute eruption of joy.” One of the production’s highlights is the live performance by the young musicians, as emphasized by Lloyd Webber himself. This production’s talented ensemble, averaging 11.5 years in age, skillfully handles instruments often larger than themselves.’
“This show rules. It is pure joy. It is the power of music. It is these young performers. They bring so much life into this show. It is something you just have to see to believe and I’m dropping the mic at that,” Gillooly said, sharing his thoughts on performing alongside them each night.Hanley Webb, who plays Zack, is a guitar prodigy who started playing the guitar at age 5 and achieved his grade 8 distinction in electric guitar at 10. Samia Rose Afify, who learned guitar at 10, plays Katie, the bassist of the School of Rock band.Samuel Bickmore is a drum genius, who earned his grade 8 in drumming at London’s Trinity College when he was 10. Thomas Thornycroft, who plays Lawrence the keyboardist, starts off as quirky, but becomes the hottest boy after joining the band.The supporting young cast, veterans of acclaimed shows like “Les Miserables,” “Matilda” and “Frozen” in the U.K., fill roles from chorus and manager to tech and stylist, 카지노사이트 adding layers of talent to the production.